Articles and Insights for Healthcare Providers

Unlocking the Hidden Power of Your EMR: The Challenge of Making Your Data Actionable

In today’s healthcare landscape, data is often the missing link to fully unlocking the efficiency of your practice. The information stored in your electronic medical record (EMR) can significantly enhance efficiencies, improve patient outcomes, and drive practice growth. However, accessing and utilizing this valuable data can seem insurmountable. For many medical practices, particularly those using systems like athenahealth EMR, the journey from data to actionable insights is fraught with obstacles.

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Shelby Sanderford, CEO Docpace

Q&A with Shelby Sanderford, CEO, DOCPACE

Shelby Sanderford, CEO of DOCPACE, sheds light on the transformative role of effective communication in enhancing patient experience. Let's delve into her insights on balancing technology with the deeply human aspect of medical care.

How do you believe clear communication impacts the overall patient experience in today’s digital health landscape?

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Safeguarding Patient Trust: Demystifying HIPAA Compliance in Healthcare

Trust forms the foundation of the patient-provider relationship. Patients trust their providers and medical offices to protect sensitive healthcare information and, as a member of the medical office staff, you play a vital role in upholding patient privacy and confidentiality. 

It's natural to have questions and concerns about HIPAA compliance and why it's important. In this blog post, we aim to demystify HIPAA for you highlighting its indispensable role in safeguarding patient trust and fostering positive patient-provider relationships.

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Bringing Artificial Intelligence into a Practice

AI/ML is not about replacing human decision-making but rather providing intelligent recommendations to help practitioners make better and faster decisions.

We had the pleasure of watching another incredible webinar from the HLTH team titled “Using AI to Fix Broken Math and Optimize Use of Expensive Health Assets”. HLTH has an innate ability to bring together captivating panelists to discuss incredibly relevant topics, and this webinar topic was of particular interest to the team at DOCPACE since artificial intelligence and machine learning are such a huge part of what we do. 

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